Saturday, February 27, 2010

Toof is better

Had a really rough day at work last Sunday, but I didn't give up and went back in and just worked really hard and things were much better. I will keep on plugging and there were glimpses of why I really liked the job to begin with. I bought a nook. Partly because I wanted one and partly to show them that I do care about my job and that I am sincere about how important B&N is to me. I just seem to have so much to worry about these days even though my biggest concern was my mother and that was the ultimate failure because she died. I am worried about the tooth that is behind the tooth they took out because it, too, is cracking. The dentist will try to save it, but why did it happen? Is it something that I doing that is causing it to crack? I don't know if I can take another pull and bone graft. I am worried about Mr Vallee and what will become of him. I am worried about Chopper and all the stuff that the estate will entail. And our e mail isn't working. Maybe that is why I am grinding my teeth...but I have been stressed out before. I am also worried about Spencer...he seems so melancholy and I so want him to be happy.

1. I got my room all cleaned and the steps all vacuumed
2. I don't have to work tonight
3. Last week was pretty good at work considering how bad last Sunday was
4. The roads aren't to bad right now
5. I will see Spencer next week

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The toof, the whole toof and nothing but the toof

My poor tooth...he took it out, but there wasn't enough bone left to put in the implant, so he did a bone graft. Later I thought it was synthetic, but Chopper says sometimes they use bone from cadavers. I don't want o think about it. The pain was horrible when the novocaine wore off and the stupid percoset didn't seem to least not till the second one did the pain killers kick in. Now it just feels sore and weird, but not too bad. Work was ok, but the talking to the customers made everything ache and feel dry. I hope that Laurie lets me keep some water in the office to keep hydrated. I will talk more about this next time...I am tired right now.
1. The pain has subsided
2. I closed with Kat tonight
3. Had a nice breakfast with Chopper this morning
4. I skyped with Spencer today
5. My stomach doesn't bother me anymore

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You can't handle the toof

Saw the dentist...bad news...the tooth is split right in half and can't be saved. I have to go to the folks that took out my wisdom tooth and the will pull it out and hopefully put an implant in right away. Then the regular dentist will build a cap and put a crown on top. Very expensive and lots of visits to the dentist. Me, who had no cavities. At least it will stop the pain. It also makes me miss Mommy because this is the type of thing I would've called and talked to her about. She had five implants and she would know what to expect. Plus, when you are hurt or worried, you want your Mommy, even if your 54 years old.
I was stressing all yesterday about the music count today, but the planogram didn't change, so it wasn't too hard. I had about seven projects in my e planner, but I just stayed calm and attacked them one by one and got them done! We had a good lead meeting and I was done at 5, so I got home and cooked dinner for us and maybe I will turn in early. Its donut day, but I didn't have any donuts. I hope I recover fast from the tooth extraction...I don't want to miss work on Friday...I missed too much work as it is. I want to finish the kitchen, but my next day off is toofday. (Thursday) Oh, well.

1. Music count went really well
2. I got all my e projects done
3. Don't have to close tonight
4. My tooth should be gone soon and the pain will go with it
5. Though it snowed, it didn't cause any problems

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Toof or dare

Finally finished my antibiotics for my abcess so I spoke to the dentist and I will see him and then he will send me to someone else for root canal. Yikes! Got a start on the kitchen and then headed to Burlington to help Chopper search for the will...if there is one. My parents were really strange. We found the wackiest stuff in the basement. No one would believe me if I told them. But it made me miss Mommy and Daddy to see their handwriting and all the stuff. we did find my grandfathers ruby ring. If it is real, it is a pretty big stone. It is inscribed KB to NB which are my grandparents it may be the real deal. Also, we found some real zippo lighters that had my father's signatures etched in them. They will all go to Spencer. It's funny he wanted a zippo and now he will have three. P.S. they still work and one is over 40 years old. But I recognized my fathers handwriting on them.

1. Actually had fun looking for the will in the cellar in Burlington.
2. Got some chores done
3. Finally finished the antibiotics
4. Don't have to close tomorrow
5. Chopper seemed a little less freaked out today

Thursday, February 11, 2010

i fell...again

Yeah, I fell again. I had a decent day...Didn't have too much trouble getting to work, despite the record breaking snow. and then as we were leaving...I hit a patch of black ice and went down on my knee...ripped my pants...a pair of my favorites. And our street was in worse shape than when I left it. But now I am home and a good movie will be on soon and I will kick back and relax.

1. Even though it was slow, I still had two memberships
2. So glad I have four wheel drive!
3. Good Ethel Merman movie on soon
4. As long as no one steals my spot, I should be good shape for getting to and from work
5. I don't have to close Sunday

Monday, February 8, 2010

Poor Chopper

Chopper finally went back home today and she is having a rough time of it. The overwhelming task ahead of her is daunting. and on top of it all she misses Mommy terribly. It breaks my heart because she was all she had. I miss her, too, but I have my family...she had only Mommy and now she is gone. I have gone back to work and everyone is being nice to me. It is good to be back to some kind of normalcy, but I, too, miss mommy. I will do something and think, Mommy taught me how to do that or she always said a certain thing. Sometimes I forget that she is gone, and then it comes back to me and the sadness floods through me. I also wonder if we could've done something more that would have maybe saved her. Like insisting that she go to the hospital sooner to address the swelling in her legs...maybe they could've given her the lasics sooner. Or if that mold hadn't gotten so bad, she wouldn't have gone into respiratory arrest and wouldn't have had the heart attack that ultimately led to her death. At least she didn't die alone.

1. Had a good day at work
2. Sold 4 new memberships
3. Had no trouble driving in the snow
4. Jaw is feeling a little better, even without advil
5. Got one load of laundry off to Spencer

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day!

Was mentally prepared to go back to work, but mother nature had other ideas. Got the call that they weren't going to I could relax, even though my jaw and the surrounding teeth are still hurtin'. Mike dug out my car so I am prepared to go in tomorrow, I just don't know what time because I don't know my schedule for next week. Oh, well, I will call in the morning. It will be tough to catch up as it is, but now it will be even weirder. Spencer should be able to catch up fairly easily, so that is one less worry. I can't believe that more than a week has passed since my mom died. I keep thinking that we have to call and check on her. It just seems so strange that she is not out there some where. I feel fragile.
1. Snow day! Was told not to come to work, so I may still get paid.
2. Car is all shovelled out and with the four wheel drive I should be able to get out
3. Chopper is here so I don't have to worry about her
4. Got a nice shower and feel pretty good (except for the jaw)
5. Spencer seems to be on top of his work even though he lost a week because of the funeral

Friday, February 5, 2010

My heart is broken

I glanced at my last post because it had been a while and I noted that I had said I can't see how she can survive this...well, she didn't. Sadly, my mother passed away on Friday, January 29, 2010. When they called us in the morning and told us she had been intebated again, I still thought in the back of my mind that she would pull out of it again. That it would just be another long haul like it had been in 2003, but she would in the end pull through. I will write more about it as the blogs go on, but there is too much to say now. I wanted it to be over, but for her to be better, not to have died. So much drama with my sisters. They have been good to me at work, but it will be tough when I go back. Now we are facing a blizzard and I am supposed to go back tomorrow. Chopper is staying with me still, and we are getting on each others nerves. I still am going to try to come up with five good things.

1. My mother looked terrific at the viewing, she would've been pleased
2. We managed to get Spencer and take him back without to much trouble
3. It is supposed to snow a lot and my car is parked right in front of my house and the tank is full.
4. My car has had it 5000 mile oil change
5. All the services and even the selection of the marker is done before the big blizzard that is baring down on us right now