Saturday, February 20, 2010

The toof, the whole toof and nothing but the toof

My poor tooth...he took it out, but there wasn't enough bone left to put in the implant, so he did a bone graft. Later I thought it was synthetic, but Chopper says sometimes they use bone from cadavers. I don't want o think about it. The pain was horrible when the novocaine wore off and the stupid percoset didn't seem to least not till the second one did the pain killers kick in. Now it just feels sore and weird, but not too bad. Work was ok, but the talking to the customers made everything ache and feel dry. I hope that Laurie lets me keep some water in the office to keep hydrated. I will talk more about this next time...I am tired right now.
1. The pain has subsided
2. I closed with Kat tonight
3. Had a nice breakfast with Chopper this morning
4. I skyped with Spencer today
5. My stomach doesn't bother me anymore