Monday, February 8, 2010

Poor Chopper

Chopper finally went back home today and she is having a rough time of it. The overwhelming task ahead of her is daunting. and on top of it all she misses Mommy terribly. It breaks my heart because she was all she had. I miss her, too, but I have my family...she had only Mommy and now she is gone. I have gone back to work and everyone is being nice to me. It is good to be back to some kind of normalcy, but I, too, miss mommy. I will do something and think, Mommy taught me how to do that or she always said a certain thing. Sometimes I forget that she is gone, and then it comes back to me and the sadness floods through me. I also wonder if we could've done something more that would have maybe saved her. Like insisting that she go to the hospital sooner to address the swelling in her legs...maybe they could've given her the lasics sooner. Or if that mold hadn't gotten so bad, she wouldn't have gone into respiratory arrest and wouldn't have had the heart attack that ultimately led to her death. At least she didn't die alone.

1. Had a good day at work
2. Sold 4 new memberships
3. Had no trouble driving in the snow
4. Jaw is feeling a little better, even without advil
5. Got one load of laundry off to Spencer

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