Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day!

Was mentally prepared to go back to work, but mother nature had other ideas. Got the call that they weren't going to I could relax, even though my jaw and the surrounding teeth are still hurtin'. Mike dug out my car so I am prepared to go in tomorrow, I just don't know what time because I don't know my schedule for next week. Oh, well, I will call in the morning. It will be tough to catch up as it is, but now it will be even weirder. Spencer should be able to catch up fairly easily, so that is one less worry. I can't believe that more than a week has passed since my mom died. I keep thinking that we have to call and check on her. It just seems so strange that she is not out there some where. I feel fragile.
1. Snow day! Was told not to come to work, so I may still get paid.
2. Car is all shovelled out and with the four wheel drive I should be able to get out
3. Chopper is here so I don't have to worry about her
4. Got a nice shower and feel pretty good (except for the jaw)
5. Spencer seems to be on top of his work even though he lost a week because of the funeral

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