Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You can't handle the toof

Saw the dentist...bad news...the tooth is split right in half and can't be saved. I have to go to the folks that took out my wisdom tooth and the will pull it out and hopefully put an implant in right away. Then the regular dentist will build a cap and put a crown on top. Very expensive and lots of visits to the dentist. Me, who had no cavities. At least it will stop the pain. It also makes me miss Mommy because this is the type of thing I would've called and talked to her about. She had five implants and she would know what to expect. Plus, when you are hurt or worried, you want your Mommy, even if your 54 years old.
I was stressing all yesterday about the music count today, but the planogram didn't change, so it wasn't too hard. I had about seven projects in my e planner, but I just stayed calm and attacked them one by one and got them done! We had a good lead meeting and I was done at 5, so I got home and cooked dinner for us and maybe I will turn in early. Its donut day, but I didn't have any donuts. I hope I recover fast from the tooth extraction...I don't want to miss work on Friday...I missed too much work as it is. I want to finish the kitchen, but my next day off is toofday. (Thursday) Oh, well.

1. Music count went really well
2. I got all my e projects done
3. Don't have to close tonight
4. My tooth should be gone soon and the pain will go with it
5. Though it snowed, it didn't cause any problems

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