Thursday, January 14, 2010

Four closes in a row coming up

Yup, I am looking at four closes in a row, but my day off was pretty productive. Packed up more Xmas stuff, went to the bank for the Gator, got a nice shower and changed my bedclothes...fired off another letter to the Fish and now I have a minute to play on pinkie. Had to stay over in Burlington last night. Chopper had a meltdown again. I don't like to go there, but i know that Chopper needs a break now and then and if I can help, I will. I wonder sometimes if we are able to properly care for the Gator or are we doing more harm than good. I suppose she would completely shut down if we put her in an assisted care facility. Mike can't understand why someone as intelligent as my mom doesn't seem to understand that she needs to help herself to get better, but even my cousin said that old people tend to do that: stop taking nourishment of fluids. Maybe its natures way of bringing an end to life. But Chopper will not let her go. We will fight as hard as we can until her quality of life is really bad. Even though ours sucks right now. Anyway, I know that I will feel much better when I get my house in order. I have two days off in a row next week and though I have to watch the Gator early on Tuesday but I should get home by noon and start more packing. and I will have some time in the mornings before work to do some stuff.

1. My tooth stopped hurting
2. Helped Chopper and the gator last night
3. Made some headway with the Xmas Packing
4. Got a nice letter from the fish yesterday
5. Am closing with Danielle tomorrow

Spencer, if you read these posts, please leave a comment so that I know

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading. Good job with keeping up with it; I never did, haha.

