Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spencer is back at Yale

Well, he's gone. I miss him, but it isn't as bad as the first time he left. Probably because we aren't going to try to breal off communications like we did the first time. I can't wait to skype with him on my net book. I am trying to give him advice on improving his social life, but I am not so hot at it myself. This pain in my jaw is really starting to get on my nerves and frankly it scares me a little. Every day of my life I am in pain somewhere or other, but I usually know what it is. Sore knee? I was standing too long. Same goes for the feet. Fingers ache? It's the arthritis or I drank something with sodium benzoate. But this jaw thing has me stumped. I mean the dentist couldn't find anything and he really looked. Now I have to run around to different doctors and try to figure out how to stop the pain. And get all the Xmas decorations down. And do the laundry. And go to work. And help Chopper with the Gator. Anyway...that is what is on my mind now...I am waiting for the advil to kick in so that I can go to bed.
1. At least I have a way to relieve the pain
2. The trip up and back from Yale was nice and smooth
3. We had a few laughs at breakfast and lunch and generally had a nice time together
4. No "steps back" for the Gator today
5. Had a nice shower and managed to do a few chores after we got back from taking Spencer back to Yale

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