Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year (not)

Well, this year isn't starting out so hot. I have a terrible tooth hurts and my mother is sick with no sign of recovery. Christmas sucked and Spencer is having a crappy holiday. He is probably counting the days to when he can go back to Yale. I was supposed to close tonight but I feel too crappy. And my voice is shot, which makes it hard to talk to customers. But Spencer got me this great little netbook for Xmas and now I should be able to keep up with my new year's resolution to keep up with my blog. He had it all set up and ready to rock on Christmas morning. He and Mike went to the Mummer's Parade. It will give them some bonding time and I can relax and try to get better. I don't go back to work till Sunday and if this cold follows its usual course, I should be ok by Sunday. And i close with one of my favorite managers, so that is good. Chopper has me worried about my toothache...she says it is probably abscessed and that I have to see a dentist immediately. Like I have time for that...I hope I can hold out with the pain till my regular checkup in February. Also, Spencer may have to have his wisdom teeth out. That will be addressed in the summer, but I don't know if I can stand to see him in that kind of pain. Happy 2010. I will still try to find 5 happy thoughts or things that happened this day.

1. I have this wonderful netbook!
2. I had to call out sick and I spoke to the best manager that I could have.
3. Spencer and Mike went down to see the parade, so I don't feel as bad about causing everyone to have a miserable New Year.
4. I did some ironing already today, so that I can sit back guilt free and watch the Mummers and read a book
5. Even thoguh the official grades aren't in, it looks like Spencer did well his first semester at Yale!

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