Thursday, January 7, 2010

So far 2010 hasn't been so hot

I am stressed out as usual over the mess in the house and the daunting task facing me in getting all the xmas decorations down and stashed away. I am also worried about my poor sister who is stuck taking care of my mom. My mother is a very selfish person who isn't really exerting any effort to help herself get better and is putting all the burden on Chopper. She has a home health care lady there to help mher, but she will waity for Chopper to come home to things for her. My tooth (jaw) is still hurting. The advil helps, but I hate depending on it so. Work hasn't been too bad because I have a new attitude...I don't sweat the small stuff and it seems to be working for me. I am getting done what I need to get done. I just wish my aches and pains would go away. I will miss Spencer but I would rather he be in a more stimulating environment at Yale than here either stuck up in his room or stuck visiting my mom. And he will get a decent meal up there, too. I feel bad that I didn't cook one meal for him in the three weeks he was home. Mom~fail. I wanted to write a letter to Spencer so that he would have a letter waiting for him when he got back, but my thumb has split open because it is so dry and it hurts to write. But that won't stop me. I love to write to him and I know he likes to get letters. I better get to bed.
1. The pain in my tooth (jaw) is a little better and can be controlled by advil
2. Work was pleasant
3. The snow, if it happens, should not be too bad or interfere too much with our taking Spencer back to Yale
4. I don't have to close tomorrow
  • 5. Spencer helped me with some chores

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