Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Gator is O.K.

Last night when I called to check on my Mom, she said she wasn't doing too well. Even though it was 11 PM and I was on my way home from work, I offered to drive over there to help her out, but she declined. She just wanted to take a tylenol and go to bed. I told her that I would stop over after my dentist appt. I did and she was fine...I cooked her some breakfast and cleaned her stove...we watched Hell's Kitchen that she had taped. Then I came home and found a napping Spencer. In a little while we will go get something to eat and shop a little. Tomorrow I hope we can do something fun. Sat and Sun will be cleaning and organizing for the big leap to Yale.
1. My mother is fine!!!
2. Got to watch Hell's Kitchen after all
3. Spencer is already home, so I don't have to wait till late to eat with him
4. I didn't have to work today
5. Good checkup from the dentist...

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