Friday, August 14, 2009

Lot's Got Done Today

Well, AT&T finally sent someone to fix the landline. It took all of five minutes to fix the little corroded wire. While I was waiting I cleaned the bathroom, did the laundry, did the dishes and vacuumed the hall and stairs. Spencer came home on item and we managed to get our banking done and then we had dinner and played a nice game of mini golf. Mini golf is something that we always did in the summers, but lately we haven't been doing it as much as we used to, so it was a nice spontaneous thing to do. The only cloud on that was there was that Mike had forgotten his key and he had to sit outside till we got back. But we weren't too long in returning and it wasn't raining, so it wasn't so bad.
1. The landline is fixed and they gave us a thirty-five dollar credit
2. Set up Spencer's checking account
3. Had a great time with Spencer playing mini golf
4. Things continue to fall into place with our college preparations
5. Had a great meal at the diner

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