Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank you, Lucky Pig, for a pleasant day

Yes, it was a pleasant day (even though I once again duked it out with AT&T about our silent dial tones...ten rounds, no decision) Work was good then I got some good info concerning some financial arrangements for Spencer at college along with reassurances that his future dorm isn't infested with bed bugs and mice. Aside: the mice don't freak me out as much as the bed bugs. The mice would be chewing on left over pizza but bed bugs would be chewing on my kid. Anyway, I topped the evening off by going to see the movie Julie/ myself. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had read the book and though I don't really care for Meryl Streep, she did a great job as Julia Child. I don't mind going to movies alone, never had. I would prefer seeing movies with someone, but only if they have an interest. If they go just to please you, and they don't like it, you end up spending all of you energy defending it and that sucks. So there! I was supposed to go to a hookah bar with some of the people from work, but that isn't my scene. I don't smoke (I detest it) and it was BYOB which is just too much work. So I think I will just crawl into bed and do my favorite thing... READ!

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