Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today is a little better

Today wasn't as bad as yesterday, but I am still fragile. Cleaning the stove, getting the grass cut and doing some laundry made me feel like I had accomplished something so that is calming. But we went to my husband's great nephew's birthay party and I was doing o.k. till I saw the cake: Indiana Jones...Spencer's favorite character. Snakes! Why does it have to be snakes!? I did think that Spencer would e mail me by now... at least to acknowledge that his e mail is up and running on both addresses. Oh, well.
1. The grass is all cut and looks really nice
2. I didn't cry as much today
3. The backseat of the van is back in place thanks to Mike and J
4. Got a handle on the huge pile of laundry and will have time to work on it tomorrow before work
5. It was a nice birthday party and we didn't stay too long...just right

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