Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who ordered that hill?

Cut the grass today. We have a wicked steep hill in front of our house and it is a bitch to cut, but it is now done. Lately, because of the rainy summer we have been having, the grass in the backyard has been so thick that it is actually tougher to cut than the front. Because it was overcast, it wasn't as hot as it usually is when I cut it in the blazing hot sun. Then I had a pleasant early dinner at Nicholl's. After that I sat on the couch and read and dozed and waited for Spencer to come home. I did get a nice checklist together of what Spencer will need for college and he went over it with me. And now today's list.
1. Got the yard done and it looks great
2. Really enjoyed my much needed shower
3. Mike is spending some time cleaning his room
4. Didn't have to work today!
5. Got to enjoy hanging out with Spencer

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