Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sorry I haven't written

I was too depressed and stressed to write. The hotel keeps bugging me about sending my credit card stuff. The hotel manager couldn't be more apologetic, but it has been stressful. I don't ant to get up there and have no place to stay. The attaining of the elusive Highlander has been a gas case also. The sold the first one out from under me and the second one is identical, except it has running boards and is a little more expensive. (was that their plan all along?) But that should happen on Saturday. I have to get the insurance and ez pass in place and worry about getting it inspected (it is coming from NJ) and all that before Friday the 9th. I was hoping to have some time to get used to the car before a long trip, but I guess that ain't happenin'. I had a great time with Spencer last weekend. I didn't even mind the metric ton of laundry that he deposited for me to wash. He seemed to genuinely be happy to be home for a visit. My friend who's son is at college said that she and her husband went to visit and all her son did was look at his watch and couldn't wait for them to leave. I didn't get that feeling from Spencer at all. He loves Yale and all, but he loves us, too. I always maintained that his wanting to go away to college was not because he wasn't happy at home and wanted to get away from us, but that he wanted to go toward something new and fun. And I support that. I loved going away to college and I want him to experience that, too.
1. Springsteen tonight
2. I am off of work today
3. I may actually get the Highlander
4. Cindy is going to the concert with us!
5. Had a great time with Spencer last Saturday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My review

I had my review yesterday...with Chase. Jeremy wrote it but because he left for O.V. Chase was the one who gave it to me. The two areas that needed improvement were ones that I expected. My impatience with asshole customers and my inability to mask my feelings. I had thought I had overcome my scaring of the cashiers, but I did let Chase know that I let the cashiers know right up front that I am not angry, I just am abrupt when I have a lot of things to do and that that is the way I am. But these are things that I can work on, and I can improve. Other than that the rest was good, and I learned some new things that I want to use to make gift sales go up even more. (that part of the store is the only part that increased its sales and it was directly attributed to me) I know that I am valuable to them, but I don't want them to have any BUTs when thinking of there you are. I got my raise (25 cents per hour) so I now make $9.25.

1. I got a raise
2. My reveiw wasn't as bad as I thought it would be
3. My cold is much better
4. My new car should come this week
5. Work went pretty well yesterday

Friday, September 18, 2009

Stupid cold

Yesterday wouldv'e been a decent day except for this stupid cold. Why can't thinks be nice all the way ariund for once? Anyway, I was worried about my car insurance going up because of my impending ownership of a brand new vehicle that is worth three times what my old one was. I called Nationwide and they said that the insurance would go up less than $100 per anum! What a relief! I didn't take into account the anti-theft features inherent in the Highlander! YAY! And work went well, too. Even though I got written up for my shortage (as I shouldv'e been) Chase wanted to me to know how valuable I was to them and how much I have grown and improved over the last year and that I was going to have a good review. And they are right, as head cashier I have to be PERFECT with the money...I have to lead my other cashiers to strive for perfection, too. Also, the Bigwig that was supposed to show up didn't come, which was just as well because Chase was going to showcase me and all that I had done for gift (it is the only dept in the store that has increased sales and they give me the credit) and I would not have been comfortable talking with someone while my nose dripped.
1. My insurance isn't going to go up much!
2. I am off today
3. I am getting my hair cut
4. The bigwig didn't show up
5. Good day at work yesterday

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The deal is done

After many phone calls and negotiations, it looks like I will be getting the pale blue Highlander. It has a couple of things that I didn't especially want or need (like 4WD and the tow package) but they may come in handy. Can you say UHaul? Well, the Highlander could do it. It will be the most luxurious vehicle I have ever owned. Toyotas last so long, it may be the last one I ever own, too. I was hoping to be able to pay a grand a month to Mo and Chopper, but that may depend on how much my insurance will go up. Then all of a sudden, my mother starts asking Jaye, the Toyota saleslady how much her car would be worth, that she is getting to a point that she can't see well enough to drive. Shocked the crap out of Chopper and me. We told her to clam up and we would discuss it later. Where did that come from?
1. I'm getting a new car...actually, an SUV which has been a dream for many, many years
2. I got the grass all cut and nice...the last time for the season
3. I saw the kittens the other night and they were fine
4. Tuxedo now waits by the dish for her food
5. Finally got my haircut apt.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The waiting is the hardest part

Now the search is on at the Toyota dealership for the Highlander that fits my specs. The only ones that were left on the lot in Burlington were 4WD and that is too much money extra for unnecessary maintenance problems. So they will try to look for one with front wheel drive. I am hoping they will have the beautiful royal blue that we saw, but that is not a deal breaker. Chopper talked me into a Limited which has a few more bells and whistles, but after test driving both types, I wasn't too hard to convince. I still have mixed feelings about not buying an American car, but it just doesn't make sense not to take advantage of the craftsmanship of the Toyota. (Highlander is #1 in SUVs) It will last a long time and maintenance costs will be low. And the back up camera is pretty sweet. Now we wait and see if they can find the one I want.

1. Had a productive day at the car dealer thanks to Chopper
2. Had a really nice meal last night with Chopper
3. Got to wear and show off my Yale Mom shirt
4. We close at 8 tonight
5. It isn't raining today!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Looking at highlanders

The continuing bad weather has caused the Wood street Fair to be postponed, so I won't be doing that, but I am still going to Burlington to look at Highlanders. I am always torn when I am considering a new car because I usually get attached to what I have been driving and I feel disloyal when I want a new one. But then I get excited about having something new and that feeling of reliability.that a new car brings. And a Highlander is about as close as I will ever get to having a truck. But Vincent was/is special. Because Daddy was with me when we got it. And I still remember Spencer's pants practically falling down because he had to put all the change that was in Barney into his pockets because we drove Vincent off the lot. And Spencer wasn't even big enough to ride in the front of Vincent because he was too small to be hit by the airbags. All those hours going to and from Masterman, the trips to Lynchburg, the runs to Pittsburgh (and the nightmare ride back after parent weekend) Good times. But Vincent is getting on and the repair bills that have started will be getting greater and the Highlander will hold as much as the van does, but the seats fold down. Bittersweet. Red, however, will have to wait for my next car.
1. I am off today!
2. The rains puddles in the house have all dried up
3. I got to talk to Spencer last night, albeit the connection was really bad
4. I get to hang out with Chopper today (I haven't seen her in awhile)
5. I am happy that I could come up four things to be glad about

Friday, September 11, 2009

Really big storm

I don't know whether it was because I made a joke about 9/11 last night, but boy did I have a bad night! The howling wind and lashing rain woke me up, so I decided to get Spencer's things that I was going to mail to him off the porch because I knew it would leak. It was really bad, the worst I had ever seen it. I went up to bed and was stressing about mopping up that mess and the basement because that leaks too when all of a sudden there was a loud electrical buzzing sound and the room filled with a bright light from outside...then the clock went black and I knew the power was out and that a transformer close by had blown up. It was one at the end of the block at Lansing and Castor and it wasn't long before the crews were out working on it. Fortunately, Mike turns the computer off at night, so any power surge was prevented. But I couldn't go back to sleep. The power came on about an hour later, but I am still a little shook up. I started trying to squeegee the water in the basement into the drain, but the rain is supposed to continue till tomorrow. I don't know how I will feed Tuxedo. Nothing is easy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Better mood today

The weather is staring to cool (Though I know there will be a hot day or two left) but we are getting into my favorite time of the year. I can't wait to see Yale in will be fantastic!
Work was better today. I didn't feel quite as unappreciated. It was slow later on in the day, so I got my little gift books zoned and I made some headway on the games fixture. I like to do things before I get told to do them. Still really missing my little guy, I wonder if that will ever get easier. Tonite is the last day of my seven day stretch of closing...then two days to clean and maybe go to the casinos. I think I will wait about getting the van inspected. I have plenty of time, but I don't want to waste money getting that done if if replace Vincent. It will break my heart, but I have to be realistic.
1. Got a lot done at work
2. Saw Tuxedo eating her food twice
3. Have a beautiful new toilet seat!
4. Fall is coming!
5. Buffalo is back at school so I have the mornings to myself

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Some thoughts about work

Sometimes I feel that I am not doing as well as I am expected to do at work. Just when I think I am really kicking ass, one of the managers will point out something else that needs to be done or that should've been done and it seems that tha amazing things that I did get done aren't acknowledged. Praise is being lavished on people who are doing what they are supposed to be doing, but I reset the entire back of the cashwrap, sell twenty new memberships on one week (and a lot of renewals, too) had two night shifts all alone at cashwrap, but it is as if that isn't anything special. And I find out yesterday that the reason I haven't been doing the monthly plan wasn't because I wasn't around at the end of the last couple of months it was because my math skills were wrong. Why didn't they tell me? Or at least give me more time so that I can do it right. I guess I just want them to think I am a valuable member of the staff. I dwell on it, too, because I used to come home and talk to Spencer and then I would let it go or at least I would feel that the job was important, but taking care of Spencer was more important. With Spencer away, the job has moved up in importance. Ah, well...adjustments for everybody!
1. Had another great membership day which gives me a great membership week
2. I close with Jeremy tonite
3. I got a letter from Spencer yesterday!! (that should be number one, but I don't feel like changing these around)
4. Mr Vallee is home
5. I got a lot of the Sunday paperwork done last night
6. The insurance money came and Spencer's tuition should be taken care of for his entire four years at Yale.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's the holiday weekend, but not for me!

Have to work through the weekend, but that's ok because I am not a big fan of holidays. All that pressure of whose family to hang out with. This way I work while everyone is off and then I have two days off in the week and I can get stuff done. I really need to give this house a good cleaning so that it won't be so hard when I start getting ready for the holidays...yes, I said it, but it will be upon us before we know it. Anyway, I still love my job, but it can be a real struggle sometimes. They just keep piling on responsibility, but no time (not to mention monetary recompense) I am glad that I have a job and that I became a lead before they stopped having leads and that I am full time, but I do get tired sometimes. At least it will keep me from missing Spencer so much.
1. I had 14 memberships yesterday (9 new)
2. The money is set aside for the rest Spencer's college tuition
3. It sounds like Spencer is having a great time at Yale and if he is happy, I am happy
4. It has been fun having Allison on Facebook (I need to get Chopper to join)
5. Package to Spencer is on its way

Friday, September 4, 2009


Work has not been as bad as I had anticipated, but I think that when my review comes around, which will be soon, I will be found lacking. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get any above and beyond nominations...even though I ended up all alone at cash wrap at the second half of my shift and yesterday I reset the entire back of the cashwrap...while ringing customers and calling customer orders. The hardest part of the job is that there are five bosses all with their different styles and all that they want things done. It makes it hard to do the right thing. But I am trying to relax and not let things bother me. The rest of this week and next are going to be a long haul, so I have to pace myself...Not on performance, but on stress.
1. Spencer is starting to get the mail that I send him (I hope he likes it)
2. Mr Vallee is O.K., I am supposed to pick him up from the hospital later today
3. Some of the tough work at work is done
4. When I went into work yesterday, I thought it was going to be really awful, but it turned out quite good...even got a compliment from Mike
5. The weather is just gorgeous.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One day at a time

Worked last night...too busy to get everything done that needed doing. Got a lot done at home before work, though. Have a huge project that must be done by Saturday, and it will be tough because I close for the next 6 nights and it is hard to get things done at night and recover the store, too. Oh, well, I will do what I can. The weather is beautiful and cool, so I am going to try to clean Spencer's room. Got a funny miss you card to send to him. Paperback book swap requested a book, so I will be going to the P.O. anyway.
1. The weather is cool and beautiful
2. Because it is cool, I can clean Spencer's room
3. I am off today!!
4. Mike went to work on his classroom, so I have the house and the computer to myself
5. I fell much stronger today