Saturday, September 12, 2009

Looking at highlanders

The continuing bad weather has caused the Wood street Fair to be postponed, so I won't be doing that, but I am still going to Burlington to look at Highlanders. I am always torn when I am considering a new car because I usually get attached to what I have been driving and I feel disloyal when I want a new one. But then I get excited about having something new and that feeling of reliability.that a new car brings. And a Highlander is about as close as I will ever get to having a truck. But Vincent was/is special. Because Daddy was with me when we got it. And I still remember Spencer's pants practically falling down because he had to put all the change that was in Barney into his pockets because we drove Vincent off the lot. And Spencer wasn't even big enough to ride in the front of Vincent because he was too small to be hit by the airbags. All those hours going to and from Masterman, the trips to Lynchburg, the runs to Pittsburgh (and the nightmare ride back after parent weekend) Good times. But Vincent is getting on and the repair bills that have started will be getting greater and the Highlander will hold as much as the van does, but the seats fold down. Bittersweet. Red, however, will have to wait for my next car.
1. I am off today!
2. The rains puddles in the house have all dried up
3. I got to talk to Spencer last night, albeit the connection was really bad
4. I get to hang out with Chopper today (I haven't seen her in awhile)
5. I am happy that I could come up four things to be glad about

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